Login user on page
If you want the logged user to be shown on a page you can follow the steps below.
Be aware, it only works on locked pages, this is logical because other pages are for everybody to view it would be strange to mention there that you have logged in and can acces.
To be shown on single locked pages;
You need to set this code:
<?php echo $user['realname']; ?>
on the place where you would like to show the user.
This is best done with the html object.

This is not all, to capture this data you need to set this code:
<?php session_start(); ?>
$pa = new imPrivateArea();
$user = $pa->who_is_logged();
This needs to be set on the page in step3 -> properties -> Expert TAB
Then choose from pulldown before closing the Header
Place the code there

To be shown on all locked pages;
You need to set this code:
<?php echo $user['realname']; ?>
on the place where you would like to show the user.
For all users it's best to set this in an html object and place it in the Header of your website.

This is not all, to capture this data you need to set this code:
<?php session_start(); ?>
$pa = new imPrivateArea();
$user = $pa->who_is_logged();
This needs to be set for all pages on step1 -> Advanced TAB -> Statistics Ceo and Codeproperties
Then choose from pulldown before closing the Header
Place the code there

That should be it.
Just one more thing, this only works online, so it will not show in Preview, you will see some code in preview on top, ignore that it won't show up online.
Many thanks to Paul M. !! https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/en/post/123665