Pictures X5Answrs
testing pages
I have made some pictures in the time I am helping out in Answers. I set them here so anyone can copy them and add them in a psot the users out. Just use right mouse button, select copy link location and paste it in Answers.
Suggestion for more items are welcome.
Lanquage selection button V13-dutch
(General settings)
Create page without template
(page properties, graphic Tab)
Template picture location V10_Eng
(General settings -> Edit Template)
Hide menu item v9_Eng
(Site Menu )
Preferences, Meta tag option
(First Page at startup)
Create Sub pages V10_Eng
(Site map)
Standard fonts X5
Preferences options V10
Hide the menu option V10 (Pro)
View of Full calendar in X5
V9 / V12 Upload download file buttons in step 5 after selecting Upload -> next.
To see white text in x5 use darl/light button in text object
from V9 and all higher versions.
View of Webfont location