Upload Info
Here is some information for x5 users for uploading projects for testing or for converting.
To get acces for uploading please send me a mail first, I will then give you acces to the upload page.
Send the link of your request in 1Answers in the mail. (I will respond there)
I don't want the login and password set on X5Answers because this hase some security risks.
Before uploading an X5 project;
Please remove FTP server and FTP-loginpassword before uploading your site. I ask this, for your own security, it's not necessary to have for converting and you should always be carefull what you send to users. If you want to upload with login and password then it's fine also.
I'm not from Incomedia, I'm only an X5 user as well, I do this in my spare time to help other x5 users and will convert your project so that you can import it yourself in V9, V10 or V11. If finished I will send you an mail with a download link for downloading your project.
I will not ask for any money, nor will I ask for a free contrubution, as long as it does not take up every evening of the week I will continue to help out. If you have any questions please mail me. Usually you will receive a mail from me within 24 hrs.
File size is limited to about 100Mb. Need more ? Please also mail first or take out some big files (movies/pictures). 50Mb is about the ideal (maximum) size. Also is upload limited to zip, arj, and iwzip files.
For V7 or V8 upload, please use step5 export and batch to folder, no optimzation, then zip the created folder.
For V9, V10 and V11, upload projects made with step 5 export project.
Best Regards, André E
Help With converting:
Her you can find the links to Incomedia help (pdf) files for converting projects;