Uploading files - x5_test

Andre E
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Uploading files

There are 2 ways to upload files using X5.
You can also use an seperate ftp program if you wish, fileZilla is one of the most used and completely free, search internet for it if you want to use this, else check the 2 options below.

In methode 1 you have to be aware yourself that you have uploaded the file(s), in way2 it stays in control in x5.
Methode 1 is better if you have a lot of files or big files or your upload speed is low, it simply saves upload time.

Method 2 is better if you need to be sure files are uploaded, normaly used for script's and other software options. If you clean up your webserver totally and do a full upload, the files will be available, this is not the case in method 1, there you need to upload them again seperatly.

method 1
method 2
Go to step5, Export, select upload the website to internet then press next, you now have connection to your webserver.
You can create a new folder if you would like the uploaded file's to be placed in a different folder (red circle).
Use button on top to create a new folder, give the folder a name, for instance pdf if you want to upload pdf's in there or docs or any name you prefer. I will keep it in my example on pdf.
Go to that folder (double click), then use the upload button (blue circle) and upload your file.

I have uploaded the manual for the Pro version 17, namend: websitex5_professional17_en.pdf

The webadres for the file has become now, your_rootname of your website, also known as your home page, the page you set in step1, in my case the root for my test website for x5 is: https://andreweb.nl/x5_test/
So the file can be downloaded by testing the url in your browser  enter: https://andreweb.nl/x5_test/pdf/websitex5_professional17_en.pdf
Now the download should start immidiatly.
This name can also be used in the pdf widget.

You can aslo use other files file names and folder's that's up to you.
Go to step1 select Advanced TAB, then select statistics CEO and Code, then select statistics CEO and Code TAB.
Way below you can fill in the folder where you wish

sorry, wil finish up later....

Below I have set this adress in the pdf widget that can be installed and then found in the top right of x5 in the pulldown-> datavisualization I used the Google option in the widget below, the Iframe option started a download immidiatly and showed no pdf.
So the iframe option did not work, these are a bit dependant of your own pc' settings or better of the visitor of your website's pc settings.
Remeber especially pdf's can take sometime to load (depends on pdf'f and download speed of your connection) so give it a little time.

That's it, if you want to know how to set an optional object then read this page:
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